Yukio Mishima's Madame De Sade
2024, Los Angeles
Madame De Sade: A GlitcheScenic Project is a set to captivate audiences with its fusion of Ai and immersive storytelling. It draws inspiration from Yukio Mishima's semi-historical writing, "Madame de Sade," a riveting account of the Marquis de Sade's transgressions through the eyes of the women in his life.

Series of campaign videos created with A.i and Glitche explore the sensual textures of glass and latex. The interplay between narrative and tactile associations in this project evokes a profound range of emotions, from the sensations of tightness and sweetness to the ethereal qualities of glass and the undercurrent of pain. "Madame De Sade" promises to be an immersive and transformative experience, pushing the boundaries of art and storytelling while engaging with timeless themes and contemporary discourse.

Daria Sur, 2023 ©
All images, photo and video materials belong to their owners and are used for demonstration purposes only. Please do not use them in commercial projects.